Akaila's Wolfraven Tuk-So (Imp USA)
Am/Can Ch Spiritrun N' Nahanni's Keetuk
BISS/Am/Can Ch Prairie Snow's Lieutenant Dan
BIS/BISS Ch Nanuke's Revolutionary ROM
BIS/BISS Ch Nauke's A Rushin Revolutionary ROM
Ch Onan's Echoes in the Wind
Ch Black Ice's Autumn Splendor
Ch Black Ice's Sudden Impact
Misty Paks Worth a Lick
Can Ch Spirtrun's Arctic Crystal
BIS/BISS Ch Nanuke's Take No Prisoners ROM
BIS/BISS Ch Nauke's Revolutionary ROM
Ch Nanuke's Seal of Approval
Can Ch Keikewabic's Agassiz of Tundra
Can Ch Keikewabic's Inlook
Can Ch Keikewabic's Sledgerunner Tundra
Am Ch Akaila's Legacy Continue's
BISS/Am Ch Williwaw's River Dance
Ch Braemal's Alyeska Tuaq
BIS/BISS Ch Williwaw's Kodiak Cub ROM
Ch Sno Buck's Spirit of the Sun CD
Snowtip's Williwaw Windance
BIS/BISS Ch Nauke's A Rushin Revolutionary ROM
Ch Williwaw's Silver Eagle
Akaila's Warrior Princess
Am/Can Int Ch Winterchill's Williwaw Apache
BIS/BISS Ch Williwaw's Kodiak Cub ROM
Ch Oopik's Winterchill Mischief
Ch. Williwaw's Akaila Silver Legacy
Ch Braemal's Alyeska Tuaq
Snowtip's Williwaw Windance
Ch. Snowolf Manhatten Heatwave
Multi BISS Shepherdsway Wovoka of Snowolf
Malsabout Golden Dreams of Highnoons
Can Ch Kimkooshi's Skip
Can Ch Keikewabic's Special Brew
Aus/Can Ch Keikewabic's Kimo 2nd
Can Ch Keikewabic's P'Tis Amie at Malasabout
Can Ch Outriggers Red Wolf (Imp)
Can Ch. Keikewabic's Crispie
Eastern Hill Coldfoot Chanel at Shepherdsway (Imp)
B Ika Tanana
Swe.Ch Ivalos Ayla
Swe/Nor. Ch. Ivalos Froststar
Chinooks Ivalo
Snowolf Affair to Remember
BIS/BISS Hyteton Oo Jay
BIS/BISS Hyteton Kicass
BIS/BISS Can Ch Oopik's Winter Excellence at Hyteton
Bitteroot Kisi of Hyteton (Imp)
BBISS Hyteton Miss Oops
BIS/BISS Can Ch Oopik's Winter Excellence at Hyteton
Shepherdsway Silver Dollar
BBISS Hyteton Ka-Piette of Snowolf
BIS Hyteton Sno Drift
BIS/BISS Can Ch Oopik's Winter Excellence at Hyteton
Seacourt Country Cousin of Hyteton
Hyteton Kassi
BIS/BISS Can Ch Oopik's Winter Excellence at Hyteton
Bitteroot Kisi of Hyteton

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No portion of this website may be copied or reproduced without prior permission of the owner ©

Website Designed & Maintained
By Jo Haywood